Equity Strategies and Approach

Inaugural Strategy

The Starvine
Flagship Strategy

Starvine Flagship, commenced in 2015, is the firm’s inaugural strategy. Through fundamental research, the portfolio manager selects publicly traded companies based on the presence of key attributes.




Consistency is paramount.

Starvine's Investment Checklist

Identifiable barriers to entry or competitive advantages that protect the core business.


Management must possess a proven track record of value creation. The record must be linkable to specific actions indicative of skill rather than coincidence.


The framework used by management to reinvest the company’s cash flow must be sufficiently compelling and clear.


Price is the ultimate factor. A low price can compensate for a company’s lack of the above attributes when evaluating the attractiveness of any investment opportunity. On the contrary, a high price for any security can render the stock, whether a present or potential holding, to be unfit for the portfolio.

Broader Range Strategy

The Mid-Large Cap Strategy

Launched in 2017, Mid-Large Cap aims to resonate with a broader range of investment objectives and risk tolerances. It employs a similar framework to the Starvine Flagship strategy. This newer strategy, however, is more diversified and has a higher threshold for large cap Canadian companies.

  • Continuous Improvement.
    A never-ending quest.

    There is no standing still. In the absence of a genuine effort to improve, deterioration is a certainty.

  • Patience.
    A critical ingredient.

    Stay fastened to a company’s progress in growing its earnings power. Businesses often have setbacks, so it is important to look through noise with a long-term outlook.

  • Pragmatism.
    Do the right thing, at the right time.

    Stay rational at all times. Never become blindly attached to any investment idea.

  • Value.
    Price is what you pay, value is what you get.

    Underpaying for any stock or asset makes sense on the deepest level; protection from downside and upside opportunity are simultaneously obtained.

Benefits for
Starvine Clients

Starvine Capital’s platform is focused on improving the financial well-being of its clients.  The firm is focused on identifying investment situations that offer a combination of compelling value and quality.