Our episodes are published on a monthly basis and focus on content related to value investing. We will target specific topics and interview experts about the markets, sectors and more.
The opinions expressed in these podcasts reflects the opinions of the presenter(s) at the time they were made and are subject to change at any time after the date of a podcast’s production without notice. These opinions are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice. While the statements made in these podcast are based on publicly available information and are believed to be accurate as of the date given, no representation is made with regard to their accuracy or completeness. These podcasts are neither an offer, nor a solicitation, to buy or sell securities. Starvine Capital may directly hold, and manage portfolios that have positions in any of the securities mentioned in this material.
S3E5: AI in Investing: Andi Kerenxhi of Ubineer What are the implications of AI for professional investors? We spoke with Andi Kerenxhi, founder of Ubineer, on AI’s current benefits for investors and how it is likley to shape the landscape of both active and passive investing. This interview was recorded on December 17, 2024.
S3E4: Investment Wisdom: Rockefeller’s 38 Letters To His Son In 2023, a collection of 38 letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son was published. These letters spanned over four decades and were not previously widely available. Contained in the 194 pages is a treasure trove of wisdom relating to a broad range of topics. However, for this episode, the focus was on Rockefeller’s advice that is helpful from an investing perspective. Be sure to obtain a copy of the book to gain access to the inner workings of his mind.
S3E3: Kim Shannon, Sionna Investment Managers It is not easy to find current investment managers whose track records precede the 1987 crash. Learn from the experiences of distinguished value manager, Kim Shannon, as she discusses a range of topics including how she navigated some of the most challenging times in market history, the importance of having mentors, what it takes to be successful in investment management, and the paucity of women in the industry.
S3E2: Christopher Mayer – Drawdowns Drawdowns occur with enough regularity on both the market and stock-specific level that it is critical for investors to be equipped to deal with them. In this interview, Christopher Mayer imparts his compelling insights on this topic.
S3E1: Dr. George Athanassakos – The Role of a CEO Great CEOs tend to be great value seekers. Dr. Athanassakos shares his expertise in an area that has historically been overlooked by financial academia: the ability of CEOs to allocate capital and the implications on investment returns.
S2E9: Robert F. Bruner – The Panic of 1907 In the finale of Season 2, we spoke with Robert Bruner, the co-author of “The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market’s Perfect Storm”. Mr. Bruner identifies the causes of past financial crises and offers insights into how the everyday investor can prepare for difficult times.
S2E7: When to Sell It seems straightforward enough to know when to buy a stock, but knowing when to sell almost always poses a tougher challenge. Should we sell every time a holding’s price significantly increases? When is it a mistake to sell? And when does it make sense to sell at a loss?
S2E6: Inversion Why is inversion a valuable tool? In this episode, we explore the practical uses of deductive thinking and its relevance to investing.
S2E5: Anchoring Anchoring is a psychological short cut that all human beings perform. In investing, the gravity of anchors is so powerful and pervasive that we must educate ourselves on this topic. Listen to this episode to gain awareness of the nuances of anchoring and learn what can be done to prevent it.
S2E4: Christopher Mayer on 100 Baggers Christopher Mayer, portfolio manager of Woodlock House Family Capital and author of 100 Baggers, shares his insights on what attributes to seek in long term winning investments and what he learned from legendary investor Chuck Akre.
S2E3: 100 to 1 in the Stock Market (Part 2) In the second part of 100 to 1, we complete our review of Thomas Phelps’s investment classic with the numerical and fundamental realities supporting stocks that deliver a high rate of long-term compounding.
S2E2: 100 to 1 in the Stock Market (Part 1) In 1972, an investment classic called “100 to 1 in the Stock Market” was published. This episode outlines the psychological aspects and investors’ self-defeating behaviors explained in the book.
S2E1: Dr. George Athanassakos – The Character of a Value Investor In this episode, we are rejoined by Dr. George Athanassakos during his European lecture tour to discuss his new book, “Value Investing: From Theory to Practice”. We discussed numerous topics, including the character and proper mindset needed to succeed as a value investor.
S1E9: Dr. George Athanassakos – Value Investing: From Theory to Practice Dr. Athanassakos is the Ben Graham Chair in Value Investing at the Ivey Business School and is a pioneer in introducing value investing into the university curriculum. In this episode, George shares his interesting journey, provides a peak into his upcoming book, and discusses the state of value investing today.
S1E8: Mark DeLuzio – Principal Architect of the Danaher Business System (DBS) Danaher has achieved incredible investment and operating results over more than three decades. Underpinning this success is the consistent application of the Danaher Business System (DBS). Listen in as Mr. DeLuzio, the principal architect of DBS, shares invaluable insights for CEOs and investors.
S1E7: Spin-Off Investing Besides being a historically ‘nutritious’ place to hunt for value, the dynamics behind a spin-off are inherently interesting and oppose the forces that make markets efficient.
S1E5: Checklists & MCARV The checklist is a simple yet overlooked tool in making investment decisions. If you haven’t been using one up until now, it is a good idea to begin thinking about its importance.
S1E4: Andrew Garrett – Commercial Real Estate During the Pandemic The pandemic has darkened sentiment toward publicly traded REITs, especially those that own office and retail properties. However, what are the thoughts of an ultra long-term investor with deep knowledge of these asset classes?
S1E2: Jonathan Baird – Factors Driving a Volatile 2020 In this episode, we have an interesting conversation with Jonathan Baird of the The Global Investment Letter about factors that are driving a volatile 2020 in the markets.
S1E1: Price and Value What is the difference between price and value? Listen in as we explore this most basic of investing questions.
Episode Zero: Trailer Are you new to stocks or desire to learn more about the value discipline? Begin your journey today.
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